All is ready...I can't believe it to be honest. Suitcase packed (check) iPod charged (check) PSP charged and loaded with games (check) Books to read (check) Nikon packed (check) Samsung NV packed (check) Mobile phone charger packed (check) Life Is Good hat (check)....Phew!! Oh......Passport and money (check, check and double double check)
So plan is to get myself to bed for around 20:30 and sleep until 02:30, leave for Heathrow at 03:30 to arrive at 05:30. Hop on the plane which is due for take-off at 08:30. Fly for around 7hrs and arrive in Houston. Hang out at Houston for 3hrs then catch my flight to Oklahoma City....14ish hrs in total travel time. Should arrive in OKC at 16:30 local time (22:30 gmt)

Oh and incase you had not realised.....I'm flying Continental...