He invited me to participate in a photography art project called Human Dominos
I have to say it's AWESOME! It's a collection of black and white photographs, semi nude, nose to naval with lighting from the right of the subject. It is a personal project of his and he was asking for people to submit a photograph.
It's open to both men and women and when I saw it I was straight into my cupboard, grabbed my soft box and tripod and....*snap* my picture was taken, sent and has now been added to the project website.
Here are my photographs on the site. I have put them together in photoshop so you can see the idea behind the project. (here's to hoping my readers know the basics of Dominos)

Please go and check it out and pluck up the courage to participate. Let's all help this guy out with this brilliant idea.
On a second note. From the original shot, I took a crop and created this