So...naturally I set myself out on a mission to catch and photograph the little fella, well actually, not so little and not so easy to catch either.
It all started with him just floating on the surface of the pond basking in the warm sunshine and my mother screaming " IAN, COME AND SEE....THE SNAKE IS IN THE POND " So naturally I grabbed the Nikon and shot down the garden and yep, there he was...

After taking a few photographs I decided that I was going to try and get closer, maybe even pick him up out of the water but as soon as I got even remotely close he disappeared under the surface and into all the shrubs and plants to hide himself. I waited for about 40mins and after no more sightings I decided that he had probably made a swift exit.
Mum then makes the decision that she wants the pond plants all pulled out so she can trim them all back and tidy them out ready for Autumn, but, she did not want to do it herself because that's where the snake had hidden himself. I of course, being the tough, rugged English man that my American girl is always praising me as being, did it for her.
I shouted " HOLY SHIT! " my mum just about pissed in her pants because she had no idea what I was holy shitting at, was it the snake or something else? she was kind of skipping around the garden not really knowing what was going on. It was really funny. I had spotted the snake just sitting on the rocks that form the waterfall in the pond, so as quick as I could get there, I lunged for the damn thing and managed a firm hold on it's tail. And BOY was he a strong fella. I was actually surprised at just how strong he was, I took a good firm grip to keep him from escaping and eventually he calmed a bit and I managed to pick him up.
My mum was shaking like a leaf at this point, whether through adrenaline or fear I'm not sure, but she managed to steady herself so that she could take a couple of pictures.

Dad came down to see the great white hunter and his prize and he took a photograph of me releasing it back into the pond.