There was a very high chance, 8/10 in fact of a tornado hitting my location and a funnel cloud did start to form where I live but it did not touch the ground. The moment this happened all hell broke loose here at the house. The rain was so heavy you could not see through it, the wind was so strong that it was making the walls and the windows groan under the pressure, and there was a noise, an almost growling noise coming from outside, and this was all from something that never quite touched the ground. Imagine what it would have been like for me had it done so.
I found the whole experience very exciting and was incredibly disappointed to learn that only 30 minutes after it passed our house, a huge tornado touched the ground, about 50 miles away. I was all for jumping in the car to chase it but the boy wanted to come too and I could not very well take him with me and I did not want to go on this adventure, only to leave him here, so I chose to leave it this time.
There will be others, and those others, I will chase...
The photographs below are mainly from after the storm had passed over head and tracked east across the state.