It all started pretty normal, just taking it easy and enjoying the sites when one of our team had to give in as Asthma got the better of him. He did however manage to complete 15 miles so well done mate. The rest of us however soldiered on. Andre and I found a rubbish little jump that we just had to do (obviously) and it was not long before Andre had his first fall, albeit a bit of a girly one as he could not get his feet from his Then not half and hour later, fell off again going down a curb.......LOL....although I must laugh as I came a right cropper on a really rough part of the trail, I managed to find the deepest, muddiest and quite frankly the biggest bloody puddle on the whole damn trip. I was absolutely covered in mud and crap...LOL. Was rather funny though and only came away with scrape to the knee and elbow.
The funniest mishap for me however happened as we approached Castle Acre. As you come down a hill into the village you come across a foot bridge crossing a Ford. Andre, just blasts straight through the Ford with no problems, I then have to have a go, hit a big rock under the water and end up on my back floating down a river...LOL. It was really funny and the water was very refreshing.
Shortly after Castle Acre, Marc and John really start to feel the strain so Andre and I blasted off and headed for Ringstead and the Bunkhouse Barn for our over night stay. There was a lot of up hill sections which really did take it out of us but with the power of mind over body we dug deep and reached the top, which of course lead to some fantastic, fast downhill sections...AWESOME!!
We reached Rinstead around 3pm and Marc and John arrived around 4pm. We all showered and headed down to The Gin Trap for dinner and a beer, which, was very much needed as we were all ravenously hungry, god knows how many calories we had burned. After the pub, walked back to our bunks and bedded down.
Woke this morning, Sunday, and by Christ were we aching. Marc and John unfortunately could not go on with the final leg of the trip which was the cycle home so they arranged a pick up from Anne, Marc's wife. They did however walk to Holme and then to Hunstanton. Andre and I braved our saddle sore backsides and got on our bikes and headed back down Peddars Way for the journey home.
I unfortunately developed a really nasty pain in my right knee and had to abandon the ride once we reached Castle Acre, only 30miles from home. We though it was best not to push my boundaries, not when we have our really big 240 mile ride in just two weeks. Last thing I needed was to knacker my knee so we thought it wise to arrange a pick up.
Arrived home to a nice surprise too. Our t-shirts for the Downs Syndrome Association had arrived which really boosted our spirits.
I would just like to say a big thank you to all my friends. Marc, Andre and John. I had a fantastic time with you all this weekend and may it be the start of many more adventures to come....Well done everyone for completing the 50mile ride on Saturday.
I suppose I had best attach a few pics............
On a final note, I received an email from Amanda today, it was full of encouragement as always which really did boost my spirits......thanks Milly.x.

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