Where do I start? The beginning I guess!
Deanna and I have been house hunting for most of the last month ready for our house going to auction on the 26th February. We think we may have found somewhere, we have been in touch with the owner and we will swing by his office to talk more about it tomorrow, at least, Deanna will as she has the car, so fingers crossed.
Shit.....I am actually lost for words.
Oh, we did get married!!!!
19th February to be exact. It all happened on a spur of the moment decision based on a few factors, but mainly because of Deanna's ex-husband. He never leaves her alone, and also, in part, his new wife are constantly harrassing her, like he always has been ever since Deanna and I got together. Sending nasty, bullying and damn right unacceptable messages to her on her mobile phone, email and now publically on her blog sites.
I came to the decision that enough is enough. She needs me here, with her and the boy, as a family unit. I was all set to going home on 6th March but you know what, she and her son are far more important to me.
It's about time people realised that she is not on her own anymore and I will not tolerate abusive behaviour in any form. I have already had to have one conversation about things with the other party and we have had no more incidents, lets hope I don't have to have any more (although I am sure I will and I will welcome them too)
In other news, we adopted a lovely (although troublesome at times) Chocolate Labrador named Blue. He really is a delight, when he is not eating the freshly baked bread we have just layed out in the kitchen, or any other food that may be laying round for that matter. We have had him now for getting on 4 weeks and he seems to be happy here.
So, to end, here are a few pictures that sum up the last month....kinda'

(wedding shots taken by Abbey Northcutt)

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