25 January 2009

HD TV...

OK....this is the score. The HD TV is broken...F***!!

But...it's not all bad, phoned the store today where I bought if from, explained the whole situation to them, was then transfered to the front desk of the store, explained the whole situation to them, was then transfered to the Tesco Electrical Helpline and, guess what, explained the whole situation to them!!.....are we bored yet? I was!!

Then had to answer a bunch of questions and do a bunch of stuff like..."turn the TV on and off sir" "unplug the TV and plug it back in sir" "go into the menu and push a load of buttons sir"...and, wait for it, this is the kicker...."shine a torch on the screen sir"...SHINE A TORCH ON THE SCREEN....WHAT THE F***!! I thought the guy was taking the piss out of me or something.

After all that he finally gave me a log number, so, now I'm off to the store, TV under my arm with my log number.

I wonder what other crap they make me do before I get my exchange......


1 comment:

Deanna said...

I'm glad you got it sorted.
see...I told you not to panic.
and you got a bigger tv out of it all.