4 April 2010

more storms...

Picture the scene if you will. Sitting at my computer about to reply to theneilshow when my lovely wife said to me “i could really go for some ice-cream right now” to which I responded with putting on my shoes and driving out for two hot chocolate fudge sundaes.

I was driving merrily along the road, headed north, when in the distance I noticed some very dark clouds on an otherwise very clear night. What really stuck me about the black wall that was looming ahead was the purple and pink lightening shooting through it in beautiful ballet of light.

This, of course, was another perfect opportunity for me to practice my lightening photography. I ran into the store, grabbed the ice-cream, raced home, gave the wife hers, stuffed mine into my face, grabbed my Nikon and tripod, dived back in the car and drove north, toward the storm.

It was the perfect setting, I managed to find a huge football field with a perfect view of the skies ahead. I set up the gear, sat on the grass, and while enjoying the light breeze on my back and warm night air, fired the camera and came away with some pretty good shots.

Here is to really loving the Oklahoma storm season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are some great shots Ian!!! I'm impressed! Oh, and the best has yet to come, enjoy!